Newsgroups: alt.divination
From: (Mike McCormick)
Subject: Re: Signifier and Tarot
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 21:35:48 GMT

Pedram, I know a number of ways to choose a Significator.  Here are
three of my favorites:

1. Magician for men, High Priestess for women.  Nice and simple.

2. The major arcanum of the querent's natal sign.  For example, I am a
Pisces so I would look for The Moon.

3. A court card for the suit of the querent's natal sign.  The suit is
chosen based on whether the sign is water (cups), etc.  The court card
within that sign is chosen based on age & gender: girl (page), boy
(knight), woman (queen), man (king).

Before a reading one should either decide on which Significator feels
right, or (as I prefer) just go with whichever one shows up on the
table first.

 Mike McCormick