"Temple of Set Reading List:
Category 3 - Religion and Daemonology in Historical Perspective" (8/1/88CE)
Reprinted from: _The Crystal Tablet of Set_
(c) Temple of Set 1989 CE
Weirdbase file version by TS permission

by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set
Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041
Today's philosophical and religious climate derives from the interaction and 
competition of a great many schools of logic, superstition, science, and 
intuition throughout history. It is necessary for the Setian to acquire at 
least a working familiarity with such systems, as the information gained is 
often useful in the development of both Greater and Lesser Black Magical 
techniques. Furthermore, while the original Priesthood of Set did not 
survive the decadence and downfall of Egypt, many of its characteristics 
were either preserved by other cultures or independently discovered by 
initiates of other magical/philosophical systems. The works selected for 
this category are intended to survey the more elaborate and esoteric 
concepts of intellectual elites throughout the ancient Mediterranean and 
Western European cultures.

3A. _Religion in Ancient History_ by S.G.F. Brandon. NY: Charles Scribner's 
Sons, 1969. (TS-3) MA: "This book is worth chasing down through a library. 
It consists of 25 essays on such topics as the soul, national religions, the 
Devil, life after death, Dualism, Jewish history to 70 CE, early Christian 
mythology, Time as God and Devil, origins of religion, the Akhenaten period, 
early Christian Gnosticism, and angels. Author a Professor of Comparative 
Religions at Manchester University."

3B. _The History of the Devil_ by Paul Carus. NY: Land's End Press, 1969 
(paperback reprint 1974 by Open Court). (TS-1) MA: "Still the standard 
reference work on the topic, containing chapters on the devils and daemons 
of many cultures from antiquity to the present. Included are many perceptive 
observations on the concept of 'evil' in human behavior. In his 
_Confessions_ Aleister Crowley remarked: 'Carus had always interested me as 
being widely learned, yet understanding so little. After meeting him, I 
decided that I liked him for it.'"

3C. _Christian Mythology_ by George Every. NY: Hamlyn Publishing Group, 
1970. (TS-3) MA: "Another in the Hamlyn mythology series [see #2A], updated 
& reissued in 1986 by Peter Bedrick Books. It exposes the origins and 
adaptations of Christianity and includes a number of later legends quite at 
odds with the _Bible_. The author's comments on the psychological need for 
specific myth-types are quite illuminating. The book is neither pro nor con 
- merely analytical. Hence it is an excellent source of data for dialogues 
with Christians; you can respond to theological issues on a historical 
rather than on an emotional, dogmatic, or aesthetic basis."

3D. _The Romance of Sorcery_ by Sax Rohmer. NY: Causeway Books, 1973. (TS-3) 
MA: "Better known as the author of the Fu Manchu novels [fun to read if 
you're into 1890's 'Yellow Peril' themes and heroines who faint a lot], 
Rohmer was also an initiate of the Golden Dawn who dreamed of writing an 
authoritative commentary on the occult. This book was the result - an 
empathetic but not-uncritical profile of history's prominent sorcerers, 
including Apollonius, Nostradamus, Dee, Cagliostro, Blavatsky, and Francis 
Barrett. Written in 1913 and especially commended by Harry Houdini."

3E. _Secret Societies_ by Norman MacKenzie (Ed.). NY: Crescent Books, 1968. 
(TS-3) MA: "While not as extensive as #3F, this book has the advantages of 
being relatively current and attractively illustrated. Chapters on the 
Mafia, Ku Klux Klan, Chinese Triads, Freemasons, Knights Templar, Thugs, 
Rosicrucians, etc. Well-researched and very readable. Three initiatory 
rituals (KKK, Mafia, and Masonic) are appended."

3F. _The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries_ (two volumes) by 
Charles William Heckethorn. New Hyde Park: University Books, 1965. (TS-3) 
MA: "Written in 1875 and revised in 1897, this remains the major work on the 
topic. It does full justice to its ambitious title. In addition to 
discussing the characteristics of secret societies per se, Heckethorn 
includes comments on the clandestine operations of supposedly above-ground 
organizations (such as the Jesuits). Literally hundreds of groups are 
covered. If nothing else, it will leave you with the impression that there 
have been quite a number of sneaky people around."

3G. _The Magic Makers_ by David Carroll. NY: Signet #E-6556, 1974. (TS-3) 
MA: "This little paperback covers somewhat the same ground as #3D and #4C, 
with the advantage of being less dated. There are chapters dealing with the 
reality of magic, the magical universe, the interrelationship of magic and 
science, and the national magical practices of Egypt, Israel, Greece, and 
Rome. Individual magicians profiled include Apollonius, Dee & Kelly, 
Cagliostro, Saint Germain, Agrippa, and Faust."

3H. _The Secret Societies of All Ages_ by Manly Palmer Hall. Hollywood: 
Philosophical Research Society, 1928. (TS-4) MA: "Available in a variety of 
sizes and pricetags, this book contains 45 chapters on just about everything 
remotely connected with the Rosicrucian/Masonic tradition. Hence there is 
considerable material on Egypt, the Pythagoreans, Atlantis, the Cabala, etc. 
It is admittedly a treasure-house of sorts, but the intelligent reader will 
note an abundance of unsupported speculation. There are no footnotes, 
bibliographical references, or documentary attributions. Accordingly this 
volume is best used as an introduction to interesting areas of study rather 
than as a definitive text concerning them. It [particularly the larger/more 
expensive editions] looks nice on a coffee-table. The biggest one (Golden 
Anniversary monster edition) is heavy enough so that you can bash a rat with 
it and be reasonably assured he's now a two-dimensional rat. The information 
in this book is also handy for confusing [equates to impressing] Masons and 
Rosicrucians whose cages you want to rattle. [If YOU want to understand what 
Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism are all about, your best bet is #3E.]"

3I. _Encyclopedia of Occultism_ by Lewis Spence. New Hyde Park: University 
Books, 1960 (originally published 1920). (TS-3) MA: "There are three 
'occult' encyclopaedias on this reading list, the others being #4E and #4F. 
Although dated, this one is extremely well researched, objective, and 
thorough. Its companion volume, Nandor Fodor's _Encyclopedia of Psychic 
Science_, is less likely to be of interest or practical value. Before 
acquiring a copy of #3I, consider whether #4E, which reprints extensively 
from it, will suffice for your needs and interests."

3J. _The Occult Sciences in the Renaissance_ by Wayne Shumaker. Berkeley: 
University of California Press, 1972. (TS-3) MA: "Shumaker is Professor of 
English at U.C. Berkeley. This definitive work includes sections on 
astrology, witchcraft, White Magic, alchemy, and Hermes Trismegistus - 
painstakingly footnoted and with thoughtful critical analyses. 'The analyst 
does not take for granted the necessary existence of truth, much less of 
profound, forgotten wisdom in any of the systems, but treats them 
objectively as historical efforts to understand the world in which man is 
placed and to use his knowledge for human purposes.' [See also #3N.]"

3K. _The Dark Side of History: Magic in the Making of Man_ by Michael 
Edwardes. NY: Stein & Day, 1977. (TS-3) MA: "A fascinating investigation by 
a Professor of History and Political Science into the roles of magic in 
major social movements of history - from Mesopotamia to the French 
Revolution to Maoist China. This might be considered a reflective essay 
rather than a documentary analysis, but Edwardes' work is a commendable 
effort towards bridging the gap of ignorance/embarrassment that usually 
separates magic from the social sciences. Not as much fun to read as #4B, 
perhaps; but one doesn't feel quite so far out on a limb either."

3L.  _The Western Mystical Tradition_ by Thomas Katsaros and Nathaniel 
Kaplan. New Haven, Conn.: College & University Press, 1969. (TS-3) MA: "A 
very good history of mysticism from Hellenic Greece onwards. Offers the 
'mystical perspectives' of many of the philosophers whose more materialistic 
concepts are treated in tomes such as #16A."

3M. _A History of Magic and Experimental Science_ by Lynn Thorndike. NY: 
Columbia University Press, 1923 (eight volumes). (TS-4) MA: "Frazier's 
_Golden Bough_ - which would seem to be an inevitable component of a reading 
list such as this - was ultimately not included because its focus on 
mythology as such (i.e. as an essentially anthropological phenomenon) offers 
no thesis which is usable by magicians. 'Magic,' said Frazier in an oft-
quoted passage, 'is science that doesn't work.' Since Black Magic as defined 
by the Temple of Set does work, and since we are not interested in 
variations that don't work, we seek more illuminating histories to trace its 
development. Thorndike's is one such. In this massive work he shows the 
complex interrelationships between the magical, the scientific, and the 
philosophical from the time of ancient Egypt to the 17th century CE - after 
which the influence of materialism and logical positivism acted to suppress 
both magic and philosophy in favor of an all-embracing scientific method. 
Like the unabridged _Golden Bough_, Thorndike's opus is usually to be found 
only in major libraries. You should be aware of its existence for advanced 
research purposes."

3N. _Pythagorean Palaces: Magic and Architecture in the Italian Renaissance_ 
by G.L. Hersey. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1976. (TS-4) MA: 
"According to Pythagorean philosophy, numbers and proportions possess 
quality as well as quantity, and the elements of architecture approach 
excellence as they maximize incorporation of these elements of quality. In 
this book Hersey, Professor of Art History at Yale University, analyzes 
several Italian Renaissance buildings according to the Pythagorean standards 
employed by their architects. [See also category #12 in general, as well as 
#3J. See also #6O for observations concerning architecture which is 
conspicuously lacking in Pythagorean excellence.]"

3O. _A History of Secret Societies_ by Arkon Daraul. NY: Citadel Press, 
1961. (TS-3) (CS-3) AL: "A fine essay on the subject, with objectivity and 
much attention to detail." MA: "This survey includes chapters on such groups 
as the Order of the Peacock Angel (Yezidi), Knights Templar, Assassins, 
Sufis, Gnostics, Castrators, Vehm, Rosicrucians, and of course the Masters 
of the Himalayas. Used by the early Church of Satan as a source document for 
appropriate magical and ritual material. No documentation is offered, so 
this book is best considered at face value."

3P. _Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic_ by Edred Thorsson. York Beach, 
Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1984. (TS-3) (OT-1) MA: "Quite simply, the most 
authoritative and accurate introductory work on Runes and Rune magic. 
_Futhark_ culminates the author's ten-year study of Germanic religious and 
magical traditions. Included are Rune history & lore, mystical and 
metaphysical analyses of Rune concepts, complete definitions of the 24 Runes 
of the Elder Futhark, and the etymology, phonetic value, and interpretation 
of each Rune. The reader is shown how to perform chants and rituals using 
Runic energy, magical tools, and attire; how to sign and send Runes; and how 
to employ them for meditation. Thorsson (Stephen E. Flowers) is a Magister 
Templi IV*, Grand Master of the Order of the Trapezoid, and founder of the 
Rune-Gild. He holds the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Comparative Mythology and 
Religion from the University of Texas, and is fluent in German, Old Norse, 
and Old English dialects. [See also #3S & #3U.]"

3Q. _The Lost Key to Prediction: The Arabic Parts in Astrology_ by Robert 
Zoller. NY: Inner Traditions, 1980. (TS-3) MA: "The first part of this book 
is an exacting examination into the philosophical and metaphysical bases for 
astrological theory, resulting in the author's postulate that the true 
astrologer deals 'with the material globes in astrology only insofar as they 
are used to time the movements of the inner "planets" and "stars" that lie 
hidden at the center of man's being'. Part Two consists of Zoller's 
translation of a 13th-century Latin astrological text by Guido Bonatti. In 
Part Three Zoller applies Bonatti's concepts to the construction of 
horoscopes. One of the most sophisticated conceptual studies of astrology 
yet penned. Reviewed in detail in _Runes_ #III-1. The excellent bibliography 
is supplemented by extensive notes. The author is an ex-Adept II* of the 
Temple of Set and a practicing astrologer. [See also his review of #3T, 
described in that entry.]"

3R. _Larousse Encyclopedia of World Mythology_ by Pierre Grimal (Ed.). NY: 
Excalibur Books, 1981. (TS-3) MA: "As the title indicates, this is the 
'mythology' volume in the Larousse series of encyclopaedias. 550 pages - in 
fine print - jammed with information. Note that this book focuses on 
mythology, not on occultism, so it is more descriptive of systems [from an 
archaeological/anthropological/sociological point of view] than analytical 
concerning their various merits, drawbacks, substance, etc. The editor is a 
Professor at the Sorbonne in France."

3S. _Runes and Magic: Magical Formulaic Elements in the Older Runic 
Tradition_ by Stephen E. Flowers. NY: Peter E. Lang (American University 
Studies/Series I: _Germanic Languages & Literature_, Vol. 53), 1986. $57.00. 
(TS-4) (OT-4) Flowers: "The purpose of this study is manifold. First, it 
represents an attempt to place the problem of runes and magic in the context 
of the most recent ideas on the problem of magic in general. Here magical 
theory will be approached from the viewpoint of a 'linguistic model' and as 
a representation of a communicative relationship, rather than from what have 
become barren ideas of nebulous numerological computations and the like. The 
possible relationship between runes and magic is evaluated on the foundation 
of linguistically and formally based formulaic models, all of which have 
been material problems of runology over the past hundred years. Sound 
runological evidence has been the standard basis through which magical or 
operant aspects have been approached. Second, any rune-magic which might be 
deduced is placed, as far as possible, within the context of a general 
understanding of 'magical thought' in the Germanic world. Third, an attempt 
has been made to develop an explanation of the runic phenomenon which takes 
into account the social realities of those times. The social context of the 
runic tradition - as nearly as we can determine it - may yield information 
which is useful in order to ascertain the nature of that tradition, as well 
as that of the society in which it thrived. Fourth, I have made a final 
effort to evaluate the possibilities for the establishment of a general 
theory of the use of runes in magical operations." [See also #3P & #3U.]"

3T. _The Serpent and the Rainbow_ by Wade E. Davis. NY: Warner Books #0-446-
34387-0, 1987.  (TS-3) MA: "This is the book explaining the Voodoo system of 
Haiti and the manner in which zombis are actually created - not by 
supernatural means, but by the secret use of poisons. The book is based upon 
field research by the author, who holds undergraduate degrees from Harvard 
University in Ethnobotany and Biology, and more recently a Ph.D. in 
Ethnobotany. #3T is reviewed in detail by Adept Robert Zoller (author of 
#3Q) in _Scroll of Set_ #XII-3, June XXI."

3U. _Runelore_ by Edred Thorsson. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1987. 
(TS-3) (OT-3) Flowers: "This book is intended to supplement the practical 
material found in my Futhark (#3P). In these pages the more intellectual 
aspects of the runes - their history and development and their esoteric lore 
- will be investigated. It is hoped that through this work I can begin to 
dispel most of the misconceptions fostered by recent books that purport to 
explore the runic tradition. _Runelore_ incorporates into a system of living 
philosophy and practice the latest and best scientific scholarship of 
runologists from all over the world. The method used in the present book is 
essentially one of intuition firmly based on hard scientific data. This is a 
method that I hope will continue to find wide acceptance. As it stands, 
_Runelore_ is the basic textbook for members of the Rune-Gild, but I trust 
it will strike a responsive chord in all who seek to unravel the riddle of 
the runes."

3V. _The Books of the Beast_ by Timothy d'Arch Smith. London: Crucible 
(Aquarian Press/Thorsons Publishing Group, 1987. (TS-4) MA: "This is a 126-
page, high-quality paperback collection of essays on Aleister Crowley, 
Montague Summers, Ralph Nicholas Chubb, Francis Barrett (author of The 
Magus, the book which revived an interest in sorcery & ceremonial magic in 
19th-century England), Florence Farr (author of #10I), and the British 
Library's catalogue of erotica. This collection is cited here because of 
some interesting anecdotes it contains re Crowley, Summers, Barrett, and 
Farr. If you are interested in one or more of them, you might enjoy this 
book as a 'casual read'. But I would not consider it essential."