"Temple of Set Reading List:
Category 4 - Occultism in Contemporary Perspective" (6/1/88CE)
Reprinted from: _The Crystal Tablet of Set_
(c) Temple of Set 1989 CE
Weirdbase file version by TS permission

by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set
Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041
Aside from the Temple of Set itself, what may be said concerning the 
positive achievements of occult research? Is the field substantive? And what 
is "the occult"? The following books explore these and other questions in 
terms of current scientific and cultural knowledge.

4A. _The Occult_ by Colin Wilson. NY: Random House, 1971. (TS-2) MA: "This 
book is divided into two principal sections - a history of European and 
American occultism to the present century, and an extensive commentary 
concerning occult methodology from an existentialist point of view. Wilson 
postulates a 'Faculty X' of the human mind to explain psychic phenomena. 
Here the weakness of a non-initiated approach to the subject is glaringly 
demonstrated, because Wilson's bibliography includes many sources of 
questionable quality. Moreover Wilson becomes predictably confused as he 
tries to explain his 'Faculty X' as a natural potential of the mind. The 
history section of the book is nicely done, though it also suffers from 
Wilson's reliance upon some biased sources. A more careful and reflective 
argument for 'Faculty X' is presented in Wilson's _Mysteries: An 
Investigation into the Occult, the Paranormal, and the Supernatural_ (NY: 
Putnam, 1978), providing that one exercises prudence in crediting some of 
the case studies."

4B. _The Morning of the Magicians_ (original French title: _The Dawn of 
Magic_) by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier. NY: Avon Books, 1968. (CS-3) 
(OT-1) (TS-1) AL: "First and best work ever done describing the Satanic 
influence in the world." MA: "This is the book that kicked off the occult 
revival of the 1960s and started the whole van Daeniken show on the road. It 
highlights many phenomena for which non-occultists cannot account [somewhat 
after the fashion of Charles Fort]. Included is an especially interesting 
section on German Nazi esoterica, which until recent years was virtually the 
only account of such material easily available to the public. It is also the 
only recent book to discuss the original Council of Nine (the Nine Unknown). 
If there is a defect to the book, it lies in its emphasis of fanciful, 
rhetorical questions and in the lack of adequate footnotes in some of the 
most intriguing chapters. This is an excellent book to recommend to a friend 
who thinks you're crazy for being interested in the occult. [See also #17B 
and #22B.]"

4C. _The Black Arts_ by Richard Cavendish. NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1968. 
(CS-3) (TS-3) AL: "Good basic primer on the subject." MA: "Still the most 
lucid introductory book on the subject of 'general occultism'. Chapters on 
numerology, Cabalism, alchemy, astrology, ritual magic, Black Magic, and 
Devil worship. Very dispassionate, with esoteric doubletalk kept to a 
minimum. If you're relatively 'new to occultism' and would like to survey 
the subject from a non-Temple of Set-particular point of perspective, try 
this book. Conspicuous defects include an excessive emphasis on the Hebrew 
Cabala and on similarly superstitious techniques such as astrology, 
numerology, and alchemy."

4D. _Occultism, Witchcraft, and Cultural Fashions_ by Mircea Eliade. 
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976. (TS-3) MA: "This is a critical 
analysis of the current appeal of occultism, with case studies taken from 
the 1960s. Inclusive and generally well-argued, though the cited source 
material indicates Eliade's unfamiliarity with in-depth documents and 
doctrines in the murky forest of occultism. He is a distinguished Professor 
of History of Religions at the University of Chicago and has penned many 
works of repute in the field."

4E. _Encyclopedia of the Unexplained_ by Richard Cavendish (Ed.). NY: 
McGraw-Hill, 1974. (TS-3) MA: "This is a very readable encyclop~dia which 
emphasizes 20th-century occultism rather than the more historical material 
treated by #3I. Contributing editors and authors include such recognized 
authorities as Professor J.B. Rhine and Ellic Howe (#10F, #14W). Rhine's 
introductory essay 'How to Cope with a Mystery' is excellent. 304 pages, 
profusely illustrated."

4F. _Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology_ by Leslie A. Shepard 
(Ed.). NY: Avon Books #48835, 1980 (two volumes). (TS-3) MA: "Basis for this 
large paperback set is #3I and its Fodor companion, which Shepard has 
updated with more recent material. A pretty good effort and worth the $20 

4G. _A Fascinating History of Witchcraft, Magic, & Occultism_ by W.B. Crow. 
North Hollywood: Wilshire Book Co., 1970. (CS-3) AL: "Has much new material 
of interest to Satanic scholars."

4H. _The Occult Sourcebook_ by Nevill Drury and Gregory Tillett. London: 
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. (TS-3) MA: "A single-volume survey of 
contemporary occultism [as of the mid-1970s] by Drury (one of Australia's 
most intellectual occult students) and Tillett (an anthropologist 
specializing in contemporary occultism). Stronger on British and Australian 
movements than on American ones. 45 chapters on various topics, each 
containing organizational and personal references and suggested books for 
further study. Sample chapter titles: Traditional Witchcraft, Modern 
Satanism, Shamanistic Magic, Eastern Mysticism, I Ching, Ritual 
Consciousness, ESP, The Tattvas, etc. At the end of the book is a 'Who's Who 
in the Occult' section. An updated edition is expected in the near future. 
[See also #4L.]"

4I. _Haunted Houses_ by Richard Winer and Nancy Osborn. NY: Bantam #23755, 
4J. _More Haunted Houses_ by Richard Winer and Nancy Osborn Ishmael. NY: 
Bantam #24008, 1981.
(TS-3) MA: "Two entertaining paperbacks containing a vast assortment of 
haunted houses, graveyards, battlefields, ships, railroads, theaters, 
prisons, hotels, entire cities, and even an elevator for good measure. Both 
books are indexed and include bibliographical lists of books and periodicals 
for avid spook-hunters [and spooks]. #4J contains a June XV interview with 
Anton LaVey concerning Jayne Mansfield and her 'Pink Palace'."

4K. _The Haight-Ashbury: A History_ by Charles Perry. NY: Random House 
(Vintage Books #394-74144-7), 1984. (TS-3) MA: "There are many different 
kinds of 'occultism', including some that don't think of themselves, and 
aren't usually described by others in that context. The 'Hippie experience' 
was one such. At the time (ca. I-III) it was fragmentary, unprogrammed, and 
generally difficult for either insiders or outsiders to understand. It was 
far more than simply a drug-orgy, and - though Anton LaVey would probably be 
loath to admit it - its values were very much those of the Age of Satan and 
its Word (Indulgence). Finally there is a book which pulls it all together 
into a coherent (as much as possible) whole, showing how so many trends of 
the post-World War II era lead slowly but inevitably into this particular 
'critical mass', and how so many of the values in the subsequent decades 
have been charted along certain courses because of that same 'critical 
mass'. Included is an account of the 9/21/67 'Satanic mass' conducted by Ken 
Anger at the Straight Theatre, including the showing of the original version 
of _Lucifer Rising_, reportedly pilfered that evening by Bobby Beausoliel. 
See also Tom Wolfe, _The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test_ (NY: Farrar, Straus & 
Giroux, 1968), which focuses in on the LBM influence of Ken Kesey and his 
Merry Pranksters. See also #19X."

4L. _The Occult Experience_ by Nevill Drury. London: Robert Hale Ltd, 1987. 
(TS-3) MA: "This is the book version of the made-for-television film of the 
same name. Drury (author of #4H) was technical consultant to the film, which 
includes episodes on a variety of occult and quasi-occult groups in 
Australia, Britain, and the United States. Interviewed/discussed are: [USA]: 
Selena Fox, Z Budapest, Starhawk, Dr. Gordon Melton (Institute for the Study 
of American Religion), Dr. Michael & Lilith Aquino, Michael Bertiaux, Dr. 
Michael Harner (today a shaman but an ex-6114-ite - see #6M), Dr. Charles 
Tart, Dr. Joan Halifax; [UK]: Fellowship of Isis, Janet & Stewart Ferrar, 
Alex Saunders; [Australia]: Temple of the Mother, Coven of Lothlorien; 
[Switzerland]: H.R. Giger. The Temple of Set's discussion accounts for 16 of 
the book's 150 pages. Also included are names & addresses for all 
groups/individuals discussed, as well as a bibliography. An eight-page 
black/white photo section is included. Note: This book was also published by 
Fontana Publishers in Sydney, Australia in 1985, and that edition has the 
photo-section in color. The British edition is cited here as probably being 
easier to order, but you might want to inquire after the Australian edition 
if you want to order this book and your dealer can handle Australian 

4M. _The Illuminatus! Trilogy_ by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. New 
York: Dell Publishing Company, 1975 ISBN: 0-440-53981-1. (TS-4) MA: "This 
volume combines the three original paperback novels _The Eye in the 
Pyramid_, _The Golden Apple_, and _Leviathan_ which comprise the 
_Illuminatus!_ trilogy. Alternately referred to as 'the longest shaggy dog 
story in literary history' and 'a fairy tale for paranoids', this is a 
rambling journey through almost every zany occult movement and conspiracy 
theory in contemporary society. I assume the Temple of Set was spared only 
because the book was published the same year we were founded. I don't know 
what happened to Shea, but Wilson went on to publish some 'non-fictional' 
works in the same vein which, because they lacked the unself-conscious style 
of _Illuminatus!_, fell right into the category of publications so 
successfully lampooned by _Illuminatus!_. Truth, however, remains stranger 
than fiction, and within the pages of _Illuminatus!_ you will actually find 
many gems of, er, occult wisdom. This is perhaps a counterweight to _Morning 
of the Magicians_: a good book to give to someone who's TOO obsessed with 
the occult!"