"Temple of Set Reading List:
Category 8 - Vampirism and Lycanthropy" (1/24/87CE)
Reprinted from: _The Crystal Tablet of Set_
(c) Temple of Set 1989 CE
Weirdbase file version by TS permission

by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set
Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041

This category is important for much the same reason as #7: The legends of 
the vampire and the werewolf reveal suppressed characteristics of the human 
soul which the magician may recognize, control - and occasionally avoid when 
sensing them to obsess the personalities of immature or hysterical humans. 
It is important to note that the literature in this category is selected not 
for its story value, but for its in-depth treatment of these phenomena. Here 
may be found some of the most ancient and essential instincts and 
intelligent dispositions of the soul - qualities among the first to be 
challenged and ostracized by profane society because of its brutish fear of 
such godlike prerogatives. Because of the superstitious taboo which has lain 
over them for so many centuries, it is widely assumed by profane society 
that vampirism and lycanthropy are mere myths, playthings for monster-
movies. They are not.

8A. _The Vampire Papers_ by Bernhardt J. Hurwood (Original title: _Terror by 
Night_, later released as _The Monstrous Undead_). NY: Pinnacle Books #523-
00975-5, 1976. (TS-3) MA: "Unlike the werewolf or vampire sections of most 
occult anthologies, this book focuses directly on the sexual and 
psychopathic bases of both archetypes. Other sections dealing with 
necrophilia, cannibalism, blood rituals, and premature burial have made this 
one of the books least likely to be kept in stock at your neighborhood 
bookstore. A short but informative bibliography is appended. [See also #8I.] 
Books dealing exclusively with subjects such as necrophilia [sample title: 
_The Love of the Dead_(!)] were evaluated for this reading list but rejected 
as being mere attempts to pander to degenerate and morbid tastes. #8A 
relates such themes to the more significant precepts addressed by this 
reading list category."

8B. _The Annotated Dracula_ by Leonard Wolf. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, 1975 
(paperback edition also produced). (TS-3) MA: "A richly-annotated facsimile 
publication of the first edition of the classic by Bram Stoker. This edition 
includes descriptions and explanations of the many factual events and 
references included in the novel. Complete with maps, photographs, and a 
series of magnificent illustrations by Saetty. [Historical note: A review of 
this book was struck from the Church of Satan newsletter because of a clash 
between Anton LaVey and Wolf over the length of a 'Satanic pregnancy' (Wolf 
= 13 months, LaVey = 9 months) and also because of a parting of ways between 
LaVey and Saetty some years back.] Wolf is also author of #8D."

8C. _The Vampire_ by Ornella Volta. NY: Award Books #A807S-MAC, 1962. (TS-4) 
MA: "Only slightly less gory than #8A, this book explores various 
psychological implications of vampirism and proceeds to case studies. Again 
the nature of its contents makes it unlikely that this book will be easily 

8D. _A Dream of Dracula: In Search of the Living Dead_ by Leonard Wolf. NY: 
Popular Library #445-00159-125, 1972. (TS-4) MA: "This is a painstaking, if 
somewhat rambling and Freudian study of the vampire in contemporary society, 
with many references to historic incidents. Wolf is author of #8B and a San 
Francisco State University Professor. An excellent bibliography is 

8E. _The Werewolf_ by Montague Summers. New Hyde Park: University Books, 
1966. (TS-3) MA: "Completed in 1933, this is a detailed history of 
lycanthropy, backed up with extensive notes and bibliographical entries. 
Primarily useful as an overview of the subject. Not nearly as hysterical in 
tone as some of Summers' other works."

8F. _The Werewolf of Paris_ by Guy Endore. NY: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933. (TS-
5) MA: "This novel is to lycanthropy what Dracula is to vampirism. If you 
are so rash as to order a copy, the book dealer may shoot you on sight [with 
a silver bullet]. Not advisable to read during the full Moon, particularly 
if you have neighbors who might resent your howling at it."

8G. _Man Into Wolf_ by Robert Eisner. NY: Philosophical Library, 1951 
(republished Santa Barbara: Ross-Erikson, Inc., 1978). (CS-4) (TS-4) MA: 
"Highly regarded by Anton LaVey as a psychological analysis of lycanthropy, 
this work is an anthropologically-based treatment of sadism, masochism, and 
lycanthropy in the form of a 30-page lecture and 233 (!) pages of footnotes 
to that lecture. The issue is whether man is inherently savage or whether he 
imitated savagery from other species and hence has the prerogative to rid 
himself of it. The notes are very extensive, amounting to an annotated 
bibliography of lycanthropic literature. Introduction to the original 
edition by Sir David K. Henderson and to the 1978 edition by Donald 

8H. _Cult of the Cat_ by Patricia Dale Green. NY: Tower Publications, 1970 
[later reprinted as _The Archetypal Cat_ by Spring Publications, Dallas, 
TX]. (CS-3) AL: "Without question the most enlightening book yet written on 
the relationship of the cat to Satanism."

8I. _Vampires_ by Berhardt J. Hurwood. NY: Omnibus Press, 1981. (TS-3) MA: 
"Hurwood (author of #8A) produced this as a 'coffee-table' book on vampires 
- bits and pieces of interesting information concerning vampirism in 
general. It is less analytical and psychological than #8A, while at the same 
time being more story-, movie-, and legend-oriented. Included are an 
extensive bibliography, an indexed listing of all films on the theme of 
vampirism, and even a directory of vampire-related organizations."

8J. _Interview with the Vampire_ by Anne Rice. NY: Ballantine Books, 1976. 
(TS-3) (OV-1) Robertt Neilly IV*: "Though _IV_ has an excellent story line, 
its real value consists of its examples of vampiric/human characteristics 
thought to be hidden from view. The story is told from the vampire's 
perspective, and addresses many aspects of the 'ancient & essential 
instincts' discussed in the preamble to this category. The novel also 
explores goals for those who would tap the mind's potential. Described is 
the process of transformation & transmutation from human to vampire, 
together with the experience of surviving death via the Will."