The _Crystal Tablet of Set_ is the volume given to all First
Degree Setians upon their admittance to the Temple of Set.

The major items within the _Crystal Tablet_ are:

1. "Black Magic in Theory and Practice", by Dr. Michael Aquino,
which discusses the philosophy of the Left Hand Path, the origins
of the Temple of Set, and our theories concerning magic.

2. Short articles discussing the new Words (magical philosophies)
of Remanifestation and Runa (by their Magi).

3. "Setian Initiation and Recognition", by Robert Menschel, which
discusses the activities and goals of the First Degree Iitiate,
and the process of Recognition to the Second Degree.

4. Inter-Member Communication Roster (list of Setians who are
open to correspondence with others).

5. Introductory statements concerning the various Orders within
the Temple of Set.

6. The Temple of Set Reading List (finally uploaded here on
Northern Lights in its entirety).

7. "The Book of Coming Forth by Night", the document received /
transcribed by Michael Aquino which established the Temple of Set
as an organization dedicated to Set.

8. "BoCFbN: Analysis and Commentary", by Dr. Aquino.

9. "The Word of Set", Dr. Aquino's recent translation /
transliteration of the Enochian Keys.

10. "The Diabolicon", by Dr. Aquino (see he posts in Northern
Lights' "LHP" message section for a discussion of it).

11. Dr. Aquino's analysis and commentary on _The Book of the

12. Various minor items, such as a list of all pylons within the
Temple, list of all current officials, statement of protocol
(normal forms of address, respecting privacy, etc), discussion of
electronic mail and the Temple's private BBS, etc.

Yes, it's still in print, but available only to Initiates of the
Temple of Set.