From Thu Mar 10 17:51:52 1994
X400-Received: by mta in /PRMD=chalmers/ADMD=sunet/C=se/; Relayed;
               Thu, 10 Mar 1994 17:51:44 +0100
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Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 17:51:13 +0100
X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB/;<]
X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2)
Content-Identifier: Re: Hotting a...
Subject: Re: Hotting a Sun serial port to 76.8kbps?
Content-Length: 1791

> Here is a description of how to do it for SunOS 4, one should be
> able to do something similary for Solaris 2 I think...

Many thanks for this info - it's got me a lot further on that I was
before.  It is trivial to write a C prog that uses does kvm_open(),
kvm_nlist() for the symbol "zs_speeds" (which still exists under
Solaris 2), and then a kvm_read() of say 40 bytes or so, to find the
same kind of set of clock rate divisors.  The 40 bytes in question are
(printed unsigned in decimal):

0 0 11 254 7 254 5 114 4 120 3 254 2 254 1 254 0 254 0 126 
0 83 0 62 0 30 0 14 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
so we have a sequence of short integers offset from the symbol by 16
bytes, as 

"254   126    83    62    30    14      6      2" 

If baud rate is (4800 * 32 / (lookup + 2)), then this gives the baud

 600   1200  1807  2400  4800   9600  19200  38400

I suspect the previous sequence of shorts with high bits set
correspond to the very low baud rate settings in some strange way ...

I've now just searched through /kernel/drv/zs in emacs hex mode
looking for 0053 003e 001e 000e (corresponding to 83 62 30 14) and
found a single occurence at offset 0x5068 through the file.  I am
fairly certain, although I haven't had a chance yet to try it, that
(in order to replace the 4800 baud entry with a 76800 one, for
instance), replacing those four bytes with 0053 003e 0000 000e should
fix things up nicely.  If it doesn't seem to make any difference, it
may be necessary to "boot -r" to get the kernel change noticed.

Hope this helps,

(Unfortunately, I've just found that the device I wanted to talk to
copes with 38.4k, 57.6k, 115.2k, so after all that, I'm still unable
to tweak it usefully 8-( .  Guess I'll have to look at one of these
sbus serial line boards).


From Thu Mar 10 18:48:18 1994
X400-Received: by mta in /PRMD=chalmers/ADMD=sunet/C=se/; Relayed;
               Thu, 10 Mar 1994 18:48:12 +0100
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Date: Thu, 10 Mar 1994 18:47:08 +0100
X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=UK.AC/ADMD= /C=GB/;<]
X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2)
Content-Identifier: Re: Hotting a...
Subject: Re: Hotting a Sun serial port to 76.8kbps?
Content-Length: 430

Further to my previous message, I believe that the correct way of doing this
adb -w /kernel/drv/zs
5014?w 0

The first command should report a value of 30 (corresponding to the baud
rate divider for 4800 baud), and the second will set that location to 0,
resulting in a 76800 baud clock rate.  This is under Solaris 2.3, I wouldn't
necessarily expect the zs driver file to be identical under other releases.
