Avalyn Digest Tue, 10 Feb 1998 Volume 98 : Issue 19 Today's Topics: brian burgher: trading problems? Re: Chapterhouse Re: Chapterhouse Re: Chapterhouse main, again Re: main, again Re: brian burgher: trading problems? Re: brian burgher: trading problems? Re: brian burgher: trading problems? skipping Lilys CDs, again Listowner indisposed Re: Chapterhouse Re: Chapterhouse Re: Chapterhouse MBV for sale Administrivia: To unsubscribe from the Avalyn Digest mailing list: * send e-mail to: avalyn-d-request@lysator.liu.se * with the Subject: unsubscribe To post to the Avalyn mailing list: * use the address: avalyn@lysator.liu.se Digest back issues can be found through FTP and HTTP: ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/texts/uxu/avalyn/ http://www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/avalyn.html () Please take care not to include the entire digest in your () reply, only the message(s) you are replying to. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 21:43:50 -0500 (EST) From: butterfly mcqueen <eehong@wesleyan.edu> Subject: brian burgher: trading problems? is anyone else having trouble completing a trade for a live windy & carl tape with brian burgher? he has repeatedly denied ever receiving my slowdive tape and has stopped responding to my e-mails. this really sucks. i'm not losing sleep over it, but this is just some wack trading. over the many years i've done trading, the usps has never lost anything. so i don't really buy that. his original is below. ; ed >Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 03:55:38 +0000 >From: Brian Burgher <starcloud6@earthlink.net> >Reply-To: starcloud6@earthlink.net >To: avalyn@lysator.liu.se >Subject: windy and carl taped live last night in philly for trade > >I Have noticed more than once that people had mentioned Windy and Carl >on this list well i have a treat i just seen them live tonight for the >second time and they let me tape the show with my portable dat >i am wondering if anyone with the singles of slowdive would like to >trade me for a copy being that the singles are now extinct i presently >only own the 3 full lengths and morningrise if anybody would like to >trade let me know all i ask is that the tape is good quality as mine >will be THIS SHOW I HAVE IS NOT FOR SALE ONLY FOR TRADE i also have a >HOVERCRAFT show taped i would sell copies of this being that i think >they are assholes personality wise not musically though both shows are >recorded in philly.great quality > the hamburger pimp ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 01:14:18 EST From: Flwr2hide@aol.com Subject: Re: Chapterhouse i think they broke up i know simon rowe one of the guitarist is in mojave 3 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 01:39:48 -0500 From: Andy McMillan <goons@concentric.net> Subject: Re: Chapterhouse Flwr2hide@aol.com wrote: > i know simon rowe one of the guitarist is in mojave 3 Did Rowe really join Mojave? Will he be on the new album? As for Chapterhouse: yes they have definitely dissolved. A 2 CD "singles collection w/ bonus unreleased demos" package came out last year in England on their label (Deadicated). I waited, but it seemed that no US release looked likely, so I mailordered it. Pretty nice collection all told. For some reason they included a lot of album tracks and most of the B-sides but not all of them. That's what I can't figure--why not cut a couple of the same old album versions and make the effort to compile ALL of the hard-to-find stuff? Oh well. Actually, does anybody know where the demos on "Rownderbout" came from? Are they tracks from an unreleased 3rd album, or songs that didn't make the cut on the first two? Has anybody heard a group called Bionic? I hear some of the ex-Chapterhouse guys are behind that project. Andy McMillan ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 02:51:57 -0500 From: rboge@ix.netcom.com Subject: Re: Chapterhouse > Anybody know what happened to this band? I really enjoy their music. Did > they form any other bands after their breakup? It all seems like a mystery to me. They did a 4 week tour on the US (opening for The Wonder Stuff) in February 1994 in support of Blood Music....then, they seemed to vanish. Dedicated released the Rounderbout cd collection, without any mention of what happened to the band. (and everything on those discs were released before Blood Music). Perhaps Rachel knows? For anyone who doesn't have Chapterhouse's debut album Whirlpool, (a #1 album on the US college charts in 1991) I can probably hook you up with a new copy for ~$5. Rachel sang background vocals on the single "Pearl" from the album & Slowdive opened various dates for them in 1991. Does anyone know if she ever sang b.vocals with the band live? There's an audience video of one of the Chapterhouse/Slowdive dates, but it does not look like she appeared 'on-stage' with them during the song. On a completely different note, I remember Neil sang with Lush during their encore on the Shaving The Pavement tour, I ~think~ it was on "Ciao", in place of jarvis cocker, sportin' a cowboy hat. There are a few new pictures up at my site. If anyone has anything else they want to add, send over an e-mail & I'll put it up. http://pw2.netcom.com/~rboge/slowdive.html this just in re:Chapterhouse > i think they broke up > i know simon rowe one of the guitarist is in mojave 3 1 down, 4 to go. That would still leave the primary songwriters: andrew sherriff/stephen patman, who both shared vocal/guitar duties russell barrett on bass ashley bates on drums Maybe this is better left a mystery? Perhaps Rachel can just ask Simon what really happened and forward it to the list. more just in > does anybody know where the demos on "Rownderbout" came from? > Are they tracks from an unreleased 3rd album, or songs that didn't make > the cut on the first two? Has anybody heard a group called Bionic? I > hear some of the ex-Chapterhouse guys are behind that project. I read somewhere that the demos were older. This might have been mentioned on Dedicated's site. I've never heard of Bionic. Anyone? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 12:41:08 -0600 From: David Poppie <seven@itis.com> Subject: main, again In regards to the person who was interested in the Main box, get in touch with me I have one. Has anyone heard of Starphase 25? They are an excellent spacey/pshych band. Not Slowdive, but might interest people with Slowdive taste. David seven@itis.com ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 15:21:17 +0000 From: "wade@tapehouse.com" <wade@tapehouse.com> Subject: Re: main, again what label is Starphase 25 on? Also, what is a good Dj shadow album to get? I got the one called preemptive strike, but it wasn't that striking! wsettle ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 19:32:22 +0000 From: Brian Burgher <starcloud6@earthlink.net> Subject: Re: brian burgher: trading problems? first off ed sent the tape through regular mail second off ask roger boge how his tape of windy and carl is and also roger your spiritualized tape will be coming the wind y and carl tape is good right roger the spiritualized will be even better but ed will not know that because he will now never get one how you like that pal? and the reason i did not email him back is because i am not on my computer every day i have a job that permits little or no sleep brian ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 19:05:05 -0500 (EST) From: butterfly mcqueen <eehong@wesleyan.edu> Subject: Re: brian burgher: trading problems? >first off ed sent the tape through regular mail it's pretty obvious that you have very little experience with trading. this is what you wrote in an e-mail to me on 11/21/97: >i have never done this before so how would >you like to go about this i'll leave the rest regarding this detail unsaid. >second off ask roger >boge how his tape of windy and carl is and also roger your spiritualized >tape will be coming the wind y and carl tape is good right roger the >spiritualized will be even better but ed will not know that because he >will now never get one >how you like that pal? that's really mature. i like it a lot. >and the reason i did not email him back is >because i am not on my computer every day i have a job that permits >little or no sleep as i told you in private, i knew how long it usually took you to reply to my e-mails, and i waited much longer for your later (lack of) responses. several times. right about now, i don't give too much of a shit whether or not i will ever receive that tape. what i do care about is that people should be careful dealing with a fuckup trader like you. and until both brad and i receive our tapes, there is really no evidence to the contrary. i apologize to the list for making this public, but bad trading deserves to be exposed. ; ed ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 03:11:07 EST From: Primarygrl@aol.com Subject: Re: brian burgher: trading problems? In a message dated 98-02-02 19:26:04 EST, you write: << i apologize to the list for making this public, but bad trading deserves to be exposed. >> I, for one, appreciate this being posted for all of the listees. It is good to know who is responsible and who is not. :) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Feb 1998 16:40:31 -0600 From: John Van <jvan@bcm.tmc.edu> Subject: skipping Lilys CDs, again Just a further note on those pesky defective Lilys discs...After several *thorough* cleanings of my CD laser lens using one of those CD cleaners (I used a "dry" type that doesn't use solvents), my copy of In the Presence of Nothing no longer has problems when playing. So anybody with this problem, give it a try! Maybe all CDs/CD players have different 'tolerance' levels for dust, particles,etc. before they start to skip and jitter when playing. And judging by the experiences of people on this list and MBV-l, the Lilys CD is one of those low-tolerance CDs... ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 16:20:00 +0100 From: Erik Soderstrom <chief@lysator.liu.se> Subject: Listowner indisposed Hi gang, because of muscle related injury (from working too hard with computers the last few weeks) I won't be able to work with the lists and websites the next couple of weeks. Therefor no lists of any kind will be posted and web updates will be pretty scarce. Hope to be back when I'm out of medicine and my arm works again. If something extremely important needs to be done you can still contact me (my girlfriend will occasionally help me out, but it has to be pretty important...) Stay safe, //Erik <chief@lysator.liu.se> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 12:51:00 +0900 From: Mihoko Tsujihata <VYU05537@niftyserve.or.jp> Subject: Re: Chapterhouse One day, I found this (Select '96 July) > Since falling out of flavour, Reading shoegazers Chapterhouse > have opened a used-furniture store in Leeds. Is it truth? or it's only gossip.....? If truth, Who? Someone out of the guys, but Andy and Simon (Rowe)? Stephen? Russell?? .....Ashley??? I don't know at all. Regards, ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 12:51:00 +0900 From: Mihoko Tsujihata <VYU05537@niftyserve.or.jp> Subject: Re: Chapterhouse >Has anybody heard a group called Bionic? I >hear some of the ex-Chapterhouse guys are behind that project. Yeah, ex-Chaps singer/guitarist Andrew Sherriff is now in Bio.com, alter ego of Bionic. Their sound is really Techno.....funky but atmospheric, spooky, and deeply dubby. Last year, they released their debut single "GridLock" from Emissions Audio Output (Andrew Wetherall's label) as Bionic. .....Then the album "Coming Up for Air", which was 'album of the month' in Muzik (full mark!), from their label Deepstar under Bio.com. Bio.com. are: Andy Sherriff (ex-Chapterhouse) Simon Gotel (ex-Opus III) Official Home Page: http://www.adelphoi.co.uk/ http://www.adelphoi.co.uk/bio.com.html Emissions Home Page: http://www1.haywire.co.uk/haywire/emissions/ Their very first work seems to be in Global Communication's (great remixer of Chap's "Blood Music: pentamerous metamorphosis"!!) album "76 14",'94. Andy and Simon collaborated with GC in its.....sorry, I've forgotten the title (because it's only number!).....but that track was also cut for single, "maiden voyage". Maybe they input some instruments, vocal or guitar by Andy.. .? Anyway, very beautiful ambient track! Andy has also joined in Slab (ex-Drum Club, remixer of "don't look now") as live crew before Bio.com. Last summer, Bio.com toured with Megadog posse. Live P.A. and Andy DJing! Recently, Andy plays guitar in Kirsty Hawkshaw's debut single "sci-clone". Kirsty is also ex-Opus III like Simon, and its co-producer is her fiance Mark Pritchard (Global Communication, J-Knights, etc.) ! Another good collaboration, isn't it? That's all I know about one of the ex-Chapterhouse guys. But I cannot find Bio.com's "Coming Up for Air" album. Even we can see many fabourable reviews about it..... I deadly want!! :( Regards, ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 13:35:19 EST From: ALTONBARNS@aol.com Subject: Re: Chapterhouse In a message dated 06/02/98 04:55:20, you write: << One day, I found this (Select '96 July) > Since falling out of flavour, Reading shoegazers Chapterhouse > have opened a used-furniture store in Leeds. Is it truth? or it's only gossip.....? If truth, Who? Someone out of the guys, but Andy and Simon (Rowe)? Stephen? Russell?? .....Ashley??? I don't know at all. >> No way!!!!! I heard it was a used car-sales business... Seriously though...if it came from SELECT.....doubtful springs to mind. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 09:11:17 +0100 From: "Kurt.Verweire" <Kurt.Verweire@rug.ac.be> Subject: MBV for sale Hello, I have two My Bloody Valentine CDs for sale: (1) Tremolo EP, and (2) Glider EP. My price is 7$ each, plus shipping costs. If interested, please e-mail me privately. Bye, Kurt ------------------------------ End of Avalyn Digest Vol.98 #19 ********************************