Avalyn Digest Mon, 6 Jul 1998 Volume 98 : Issue 94 Today's Topics: Compilation Re: David Stack?? Re: Re[2]: Slowdive Compilation: Re: Outside Your Room CDR Re: David Stack?? Unidentified subject! Re: Outside Your Room CDR why not, more boot chat Who do you love MOJAVE3 Who Do You Love Re: Re[2]: Slowdive Compilation: Neil Halstead... the fourth member of Run DMC? Mogwai Re: Mogwai Re: Mogwai Sleeve/Fading for Amanda Re: Re[2]: Slowdive Compilation: Re: Sleeve/Fading for Amanda Administrivia: To unsubscribe from the Avalyn Digest mailing list: * send e-mail to: avalyn-d-request@lysator.liu.se * with the Subject: unsubscribe To post to the Avalyn mailing list: * use the address: avalyn@lysator.liu.se Digest back issues can be found through FTP and HTTP: ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/texts/uxu/avalyn/ http://www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/avalyn.html () Please take care not to include the entire digest in your () reply, only the message(s) you are replying to. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 98 11:55:19 CST From: Crios@dminet.davidson-marketing.com Subject: Compilation Songs Published (Live): 01.) Avalayn 02.) Slowdive 03.) Morningrise 04.) She Calls 05.) Losing Today 06.) Song 1 (Shine) Songs Unpublished (Live): 07.) Colours In Spin 08.) Bleed 09.) Curtains And Carpet 10.) Silver Screen 11.) Joy 12.) Untitled 13.) Song 2 Peel Sessions: 14.) Catch The Breeze 15.) Song 1 (Shine) 16.) Golden Hair ---------------------------------------------------------------- OHHHHH THE PURE TORTURE!!! (excuse me while i wipe the drool from my chin) OHHHH PURE DESIRE!!!! HOW CAN YOU TORTURE ME LIKE THIS!!!! Really hoping that this all comes together Crios ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 22:02:30 -0400 From: "avalyn" <imel1@home.com> Subject: Re: David Stack?? Holy crap - this David Stack thing is too much. I want to take a moment and personally thank David for providing a great service. WIthout him, I don't know how I could have heard the slowdive and mbv stuff I have. I wish more folk with these recordings would come forth and give the fans what they are looking for (unlike labels or the artists). If this sounds like I'm kissing david's ass then so be it. Quite frankly, I really believe that it's the few vocal ones who already have(or have had) the music for time who are taking this holier than thou approach. Those of us who came later in the game and found it nearly impossible to get the singles stuff (and bootleg for that matter) really benefited from his service. Hell, I've been reading that Rachael has been a part of this mailing list - if the band is pressed about it then they can provide the recordings. If not then why don't you all shut up and give it a rest. Let he who has not bootleg in collection cast the first stone (yeah right, sure you don't). Anyway, keep it going Dave, you got anymore homemades for sale? > Pardon my ignorance.... > Who is David Stack?? and why does he sound so evil??? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 23:09:54 -0400 From: eddiej7@juno.com (i'll be your future boy) Subject: Re: Re[2]: Slowdive Compilation: Someone wrote me and asked me why i was against this compilation... I'm not-- it sounds like a great thing. It is actually using the Internet for something good for once. Kudos to Mark for organizing it. My only point was that some of you seemed rather "we don't care what the band thinks; we're going to do it" Which i think is a bad attitude. It's their music, if they objected i'd hope no one would openly go against their wishes. That's it. Evan sometimes i look in your eyes and see your soul. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 10:01:21 -0400 From: "Tom Richards" <TomR@goimpco.com> Subject: Re: Outside Your Room CDR Siim, I can copy both EPs for you. Unfortunately, I don't need anything in trade. My "pro" CDR is hard wired to studio equiptment so I'd have to use my consumer CDR with which blank discs cost me $7.00 a pop. If you want to compensate me for a blank disc and shipping costs I'd be happy to make you a copy. Tom ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 09:55:53 -0400 From: "Tom Richards" <TomR@goimpco.com> Subject: Re: David Stack?? Crios, David Stack is a guy who runs a website on which he sells CDs. He also has a small Slowdive page. The "evil" references are due to a CDR bootleg that he sells for $20 (I think it's $20). It contains all of the material from Slowdive's EP's. He is actually a very nice guy --- it's just that many people (reportedly Rachel & Neil included) have a problem with him profiting from someone else's music. I'm not promoting his site, but if you want to find out for yourself what he's doing --- his website address is www.musicstack.com. And please guys ---- I'm just answering the question, not looking for a fight............ take care ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 14:30:26 -0500 From: chris wilkens <cwilkens@olemiss.edu> Subject: Unidentified subject! hi guys; i am, alas, one of the evil tribe of avalyn lurker people. i do thank you all for the wonderful band recommendations and such that come up here from time to time, when we're not all wishing someone would please just burn the compilation cd already. :) but i have to recommend a band, drugstore, whose eponymous album has more or less been in my one disc cd player since i snitched it from my housemate. very good. female vocals, fuzzy guitars, occasionally super depressing lyrics. my cup of tea. chris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 17:27:35 -0400 From: "Tom Richards" <TomR@goimpco.com> Subject: Re: Outside Your Room CDR Siim Yeah, I'm from the US (Rochester, NY). I can put both EPs on one CD. In fact, I can put 74 minutes of whatever I want on one CDR. Trust me about the blank CDRs - I work in the music business and know all about copyright infringement and the restrictions on copying CDs. To record on the cheaper CDRs (around $1.00 - $2.00 a piece) you need a professional studio CD recorder(about $4000.00) or a computer with the music processing software and a CD writer/burner. I don't have the computer equiptment and my studio CD recorder isn't set up to copy CDs. At home, I have a Phillips consumer CD recorder ---- but this unit was designed so people can't produce CDRs for $2 apiece, they will only record on these special CDRs (that are around $7). This format is new --- in fact, Philips and Pioneer are the only 2 companies that are selling consumer CD recorders(that I know of). The only reason I have this recorder is because I got a great deal on it ($200.00) -- but everytime I use it the CDRs are $7. The prices are steadily dropping as the format gets more popular -- I remember last year these special CDRs were $10+.... I expect by next year they should be well under $5.00. Anyone with a computer, CD writer/burner and the appropiate software can make CDRs for less than $2 a piece(the music industry hasn't been able to restrict CDR production in the computer world)............unfortunately, for the time being, I can't.............. Tom >At 15:32 01.07.98 -0400, you wrote: >>Estonia, huh. I have no idea how much shipping would be. > >Air mail to Europe should be around $2-3 for one CD, but you have to check >this yourself (sorry for the trouble). I assume you are from the states? > >>The reason the >>blank CDRs are $7 is because these are the special consumer CDRs that have >>had copyright liscencing fees already paid on them --- in order to >>compensate artists when people like you acquire a CDR of copyrighted >>material. > >This is something new to me - I really haven't heard of copyright licenced >CDRs, but if that's the way it has to be... > >>I have Slowdive and >>Holding our Breath EPs and I can wait as long as you can. Email me when (or >>if) you want me to copy these. The break lengths between songs will be >>identical to those on the EPs > >Yes, but can you put them on one CDR or can you only create two copies >identical to the EPs? One CDR would save some money and postage... Let me >know. > >Thanks again, and sorry for being such a picky nuisance with you being >quite helpful :) > >Siim >___________ >siimk@ut.ee ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 04:56:35 EDT From: Espsummer@aol.com Subject: why not, more boot chat Might as well give my short opinion on the topic of bootlegs....... I for one haven't really lost sleep thinking about the bootlegs going around and quite honestly am glad they are out there. Bootlegs are usually for diehard fans anyways and not for the average joe-cd purchaser at blockbuster music.(<--stab at generic music stores). I never would have heard "Vegetable Man" or "Scream thy Last Scream" by syd barrett/pink floyd if it were not for those nasty bootleggers. Anyways i don't see how musical artists can really be hurt by bootlegs. The only ones who really complain about bootlegs are the ones that make lots of money and want as much as possible.......say hootie and the blowfish.....garth brooks and that lot. .............but to me thats the story of bootlegs. What is being proposed here doesn't seem like it even fits into that genre of "official bootlegdom". How many people suscribe to this list anyways? This to me has a feel of like deadheads trading shows or something.....not that i like the dead but the fans trade music insanely because they love the music......thats what this is all about to me. To jump to any other conclusion seems a bit rash in my opinion. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 09:06:36 +0000 From: "wade@tapehouse.com" <wade@tapehouse.com> Subject: Who do you love Well, got the new mojave 3 single yesterday for who do you love. It takes a couple of hard listens to get into it. Who do you love is definetly the best track on there(in my opinion). Here's a little review: 1.Who do you love-very 60's bob dylanish, with a bit of distorted guitar and tremelo in it, and a hammond organ... Rachel is not heard at all(or barely), oh, there's some trumpets too. 2.This road I'm travelling-good car driving song, Rachel and Neil sing together, more trumpets. 3.Between us-slow ballady(something in this song reminds me of Steve Miller....who I don't ever listen to). This is definetly a song you would hear on your favorite classic rock station right after a led zepplin tune. 4.Who do you love demo-It's pretty much w/out the hammond organ, and a bit rougher of a take. **Bonus track-An acoustic version of Neil singing 40 Days ....... Just kidding. wouldn't that be nice though. Definetly happier stuff, and Neil is singing a bit different, higher notes, sort of like Just for a day. Some of it reminds me musically of the newer Catherine Wheel stuff(w/organs, acoustic guitars, chilled beats)... Oh well, there's my two cents worth. wade ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 12:55:46 EDT From: ALTONBARNS@aol.com Subject: MOJAVE3 Who Do You Love WADE writes:- <<<<<Well, got the new mojave 3 single yesterday for who do you love. It takes a couple of hard listens to get into it. Who do you love is definetly the best track on there(in my opinion). Here's a little review: 1.Who do you love-very 60's bob dylanish, with a bit of distorted guitar and tremelo in it, and a hammond organ... Rachel is not heard at all(or barely), oh, there's some trumpets too. 2.This road I'm travelling-good car driving song, Rachel and Neil sing together, more trumpets. 3.Between us-slow ballady(something in this song reminds me of Steve Miller....who I don't ever listen to). This is definetly a song you would hear on your favorite classic rock station right after a led zepplin tune. 4.Who do you love demo-It's pretty much w/out the hammond organ, and a bit rougher of a take.>>>>>>>> Totally agree with WADE on this one.....however, 'Between Us' (maybe its the wind that blows between us, maybe its the night falling from your eyes....Mmmmmm!) is the track! Achingly beautiful.....late night listening indeed! The cover is pretty good too....I would imagine its taken around Cornwall (UK) looking out across the sea next to a car park. Two of the band (I think???) are holding a surfboard in the early evening/morning??? Impressive return!!! Ant ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 11:13:24 -0400 From: "Mark Stancombe" <sillabyss@sprint.ca> Subject: Re: Re[2]: Slowdive Compilation: Hey...! > My only point was that some of you seemed rather > "we don't care what the band thinks; we're going to do it" > > Which i think is a bad attitude. It's their music, if they objected > i'd hope no one would openly go against their wishes. Lets just get a few things out in the open here concerning Slowdive and this whole compilation thing. First, it doesn't surprise me that Rachel is against bootleggers in general. When someone's name is included in a publishing contract, if those people with their names on the contract in any way appear to be supporting the "black market" distribution of that said bands material, they could be held reponsible for financial damages due to loss of sale - most artists I know - even if they support bootleggers - will never ever admit this openly. Secondly, I just want to clear up some Galaxy 500 information that may have people confused. Rykodisc released their entire back catalog on 4 cds about a year ago - many have said on this website that Slowdive could "easily do the same". Well, I really don't think so. Galaxy 500 bought all of the rights to their music when their record label, Rough Trade America, went belly up. This meant that they owned everything and could therfore afford to sell it to the highest bidder (in this case Rykodisc). Slowdive probably have no say in what happens to their material because knowing Creation, they probably signed a typical first sign "bad deal" whereby the label owns everything - anyways - this might clear up the hows and the whys about that proposed and rumoured "Slowbox". For Rykodisc to release such a thing they would have to buy the material from Creation...anyways...hope this clears a few things up... Sincerely, Sillabyss...(ie: Mark E. Stancombe) P.S. - wether or not ANY of this applies to Slowdive I have no idea - what deal they signed to Creation is a mystery, I'm just trying to give a typical "textbook" definition of how these aspects of commerce typically work in this business... ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 09:16:19 -0300 From: Shaun Schmeisser <ad099@chebucto.ns.ca> Subject: Neil Halstead... the fourth member of Run DMC? Wasting time this morning searching around at www.allmusic.com and looked up Slowdive. Clicked on Neil Halstead's name and the following was revealed: Neil Halstead Born: Oct 7, 1970 Genres: Rap Could this be the new direction of Mojave 3? ;c) shaun ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 03 Jul 98 14:36:35 CST From: Crios@dminet.davidson-marketing.com Subject: Mogwai Mogwai I like em' Crios ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 16:47:26 EDT From: M242557sm@aol.com Subject: Re: Mogwai MOGWAI, probably the most incrediable band which is still together. shane. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 18:28:34 -0700 From: Mitch Bacigalupi <mitchb@bayarea.net> Subject: Re: Mogwai > MOGWAI, > probably the most incrediable band which is still together. > shane. Ha Ha Ha Ha...Funny, but VERY true! They are great! Cheers, -Mitch ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Jul 1998 21:43:59 -0400 From: Andrew McMillan <goons@concentric.net> Subject: Sleeve/Fading for Amanda Slowdivers, Everybody swing by the following url and check out fellow-listee Kurt V. 's band, "Fading for Amanda": http://ibase129.eunet.be/mja/feds/f328/redrockr.htm The page isn't in English, but it does feature a nice Real Audio clip of F.F.A. Hey Kurt, gives us all an update: the band's new name is "Sleeve" correct? Have you gotten a chance to record with the guy from Hooverphonic yet? support your local shoegazer, Andy McMillan -- Andrew McMillan ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 22:42:41 -0400 From: "avalyn" <imel1@home.com> Subject: Re: Re[2]: Slowdive Compilation: Hey, someone off of this list made me a tape a few months back of some music I hadn't heard. I wanted to reciprocate but I lost the email. I was going to send a chams cdr. IF this is you please respond .Thanks ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 19:51:06 -0700 From: "Kalhoun" <kalhoun@harborside.com> Subject: Re: Sleeve/Fading for Amanda I'm very impressed! Good job, Kurt and FfA! nice... Tim ------------------------------ End of Avalyn Digest Vol.98 #94 ********************************